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Всемирный день зрения

Всемирный день зрения

Согласно ученым, 90% всей информации человек получает глаза.

Ежегодно праздник, посвященный нашему зрению, отмечается каждый второй четверг октября с 1998 года. В этот день проводятся профилактические мероприятия по всему миру, направленные на изучение и сохранение зрения.

Поздравляем всех, а особенно переводчиков-офтальмологов нашей компании!


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Who needs medical translation?


We translate test results, research,
conclusions and other medical documents.

Accompanied by an interpreter
in a foreign hospital.


We will prepare the translation
of any medical documentation within 2-3 days.

We offer attractive prices
for the services of medical translators.

How does Lingvomed manage quality of the translation?

Quality of translation is determined by quality of the translators. We believe that only translators trained in the sciences and medicine can reliably understand and convey the industry-specific concepts they are translating. Our QA management implies compliance with EN 15038:2006, engaging only native speakers for Slavic and CIS languages and practicing multiple proofreading for all translations.

What is Lingvomed's capacity?

Lingvomed is capable of routine translation of up to 50,000 words per day. We work with 200 translators located in different countries and time zones. We also work weekends for faster order completion.

To sum up, what makes Lingvomed Translation Agency special?

Our strong sides are:
- Exclusive focus on medical translation
- 15 years of experience in the industry
- Special procedures for handling confidential information
- Confidentiality agreements and NDAs
- Flexible pricing strategy and individual offers for corporate clients
- Multiple quality control
- Compliance with EN 15038:2006
- Terminological compliance with GOST and ISO
- Customer-focused project management
- Specific client database (translation memory)
- Any subject or professional area in medicine, pharma and healthcare
